1. Instruction to download ragging Mobile App?
2. What Constitutes Ragging?
3. Where can I get help?
4. Why should I & How can I use On-Line undertakings (affidavits) ?
5. What is the Summary of UGC Regulations on Ragging?
6. What is the Summary of the Order of the Hon. Supreme Court on Ragging?
7. Notification about Online Affidavit and Undertaking (Affidavit).
8. Notification about Notarising an Undertaking (Affidavit).
9. Step by Step procedure of how to fill an Online Anti-Ragging Undertaking (Affidavit). Click Here
10. Authorization of Aman Movement.
11. UGC Regulation on Curbing the Menace of Ragging in Higher Institutions (Third Amendment 2016).